You can be forgiven for assuming that Dwight Chapel on Old Campus was purpose-built as a worship space. But until 1930, when Sterling Memorial... Read on
This week we're looking at the five oldest Yale buildings still in existence. Today: Dwight Hall, completed in 1846. Originally built as the college... Read on
Mark Alden Branch ’86 | August 22 2023 08:00am | 1 comment
It's reunion weekend #2! The Class of 1973 is checking in at Dwight Hall on Old Campus for their 50th, and the classes of 1968, 1978, 1983, 2013... Read on
Dwight Hall has been pressed into service this year as both a COVID-19 testing site and a spot for distributing meals to Old Campus residents during... Read on
Whenever we see that the door to Dwight Chapel is open, we always make a point to duck inside for a moment, trying to imagine how this space looked... Read on