Our very pretty, athletic private client lives a fairly “big picture” life as a high-profile financial executive, but chooses to date eligible, successful men in New York and up and down the East Coast “under the radar.” Her interests include: contemporary artists, museums, finance, hiking, and international travel. You are 62–75, with a great life. Sandy@therighttimeconsultants.com. Text/Call: 917-301-1689/212-627-0121 office.
PARIS APT, LEFT BANK, 6TH ARR.Bright, elegant, comfortable. Recently renovated. Spacious salon/dining area w/fpl. 2 Br—sleeps 4. WFH—2 Desks. Modern, fully-equipped kitchen. Spa bath. Separate toilet. Avail June ’25 and during the fall. Impeccable location. Y'76 owner. https://jeffsparisapt.godaddysites.com.
For Sale
1968 Yale/Colgate official football program autographed on the cover by Yale Captain Brian Dowling. Yale won at home on October 5th 49-14. For information, email sfrixione@yahoo.com.