January/February 2020 - State attorney general on campus
- Biopsy not needed for some breast cancers
- YSPH olive oil symposium in Delphi
November/December 2019 - YSPH student receives humanitarian award
- NIH grant will support study of fungal evolution
- Students spend summer learning about environmental health sciences
September/October 2019 - Professor will lead diversity efforts
- Study finds most sexual minorities hide orientation
- YSPH launches new program in infectious diseases
July/August 2019 - YSPH graduates urged to “speak up! speak out!,” engage with the world
- Top educators recognized
- Partnership with China cancer center expected to advance cancer research
May/June 2019 - Kerry urges students to fight climate change
- Grants fund research on caregivers, those with depression
- New associate dean for research outlines vision
March/April 2019 - YSPH alumna appointed top health official in Bhutan
- Gun violence is public health threat
- School-based nutritional programs reduce student obesity
January/February 2019 - Professor awarded “genius grant”
- Students help those struggling with homelessness
- Ageism comes with $63 billion price tag
November/December 2018 - Hands-on Naloxone training
- HIV outbreak in Indiana could have been prevented
- US senator promotes health care at YSPH
September/October 2018 - Most Ohio fracking wells located in lower-income communities
- New center advances implementation and prevention sciences
- Alumni Day 2018: Yale as a lab for social impact
July/August 2018 - Online certificate to be offered
- Improving the world’s largest health system
- Top educators named at YSPH
May/June 2018 - An alternative vaccination strategy for meningitis
- Postdoc appears on Netflix science show
- Positive attitudes about aging reduce risk of dementia in older adults
March/April 2018 - Yale World Scholars Program in Public Health accepting first applicants
- Living in some Connecticut watersheds linked with Legionnaires’ disease
- Top FDA official discusses food safety
January/February 2018 - Scholars dive deep into mass spectrometry
- Congresswoman warns against “sabotaging” ACA
- Meningiomas impact quality of life
November/December 2017 - Evaluating ED treatments for opioid addiction
- Grant funds research on fracking
- Biostatistician named Elihu Professor
September/October 2017 - The implications of instability in Medicaid markets
- SBS granted department status
- Acupuncture and live birth rates
July/August 2017 - Investing in early childhood development improves countries’ health
- Averting new HIV/AIDS infections
- High school students compete for a social entrepreneurship prize
May/June 2017 - Grant will advance infectious disease research in Connecticut
- New course addresses public health aspects of climate change
- Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to preterm birth
March/April 2017 - New dean begins tenure at YSPH
- Movie highlights the cost of alcohol abuse
- Zika causes glaucoma in infants
January/February 2017 - YSPH study: childhood leukemia linked to fracking
- Students teach others about medical careers
- “Surprise” medical bills
November/December 2016 - Red state/blue state patterns found in immunization rates
- YSPH helps with shoreline cleanup
- Protecting children from e-cigarettes
September/October 2016 - Faculty, student honored
- HIV/AIDS program expensive, but saves lives
- Yale faculty help state fight opioid epidemic
July/August 2016 - Downs marks 50 years
- Proposal to fight depression wins Thorne Prize
- Two faculty members receive named professorships
May/June 2016 - Cholera epidemic was preventable at low cost
- Country’s poor are hit hardest by flu
- YSPH researcher will serve on Zika task force
March/April 2016 - Views on aging linked to Alzheimer’s
- Toward more diverse researchers
- Student honored as health innovator
January/February 2016 - YSPH honors AIDS researcher
- Younger patients lack heart attack information
- Boosting the benefits of breastfeeding
November/December 2015 - “America’s Doctor” makes a house call
- Door-to-door health survey
- Studying climate change and health
July/August 2015 - Faculty member appointed to named professorship
- YSPH Day of Service
- Model predicts best use of antibiotics
May/June 2015 - Women delay seeking medical help
- Energy drinks linked to hyperactivity
- Coffee and cancer
March/April 2015 - YSPH turns 100
- AIDS drug effective against malaria
- Public Health ranked high at Yale