Yale college

School Notes: Yale College
May/June 2020

Pericles Lewis | http://yalecollege.yale.edu

Residential colleges to house COVID-19 first responders

At the end of March, President Salovey directed the university to accelerate its efforts in response to New Haven mayor Justin Elicker’s request to house first responders and medical personnel, and announced that he would be making 300 beds available, most of them in Benjamin Franklin, Ezra Stiles, Morse, and Pauli Murray colleges. The few students still on campus and living in those four colleges were relocated to rooms in other colleges in order to create designated, safe accommodations for everyone living on campus.

Heads of three colleges reappointed

Catherine Panter-Brick, head of Morse College; Thomas Near, head of Saybrook College; and Mary Lui, head of Timothy Dwight College, were reappointed in March, each for their second five-year terms, and with enthusiastic support from the committees that reviewed them. Lui is a professor of American studies and history, Near a professor and chair of ecology and evolutionary biology, and Panter-Brick a professor of anthropology, health, and global affairs. Their new terms start June 30.

Two seniors win Churchill Scholarships

Yale seniors Jasmine Stone and Catherine Lee are among the 16 students nationwide who have been awarded Churchill Scholarships. Lee, of Grace Hopper College, is pursuing a combined BS and MS in mathematics. At the University of Cambridge next year, she will pursue a master of advanced study in pure mathematics. Stone, of Saybrook College, is majoring in computer science. At Cambridge, she will pursue a research master’s in engineering. Churchill Scholarships, awarded by the Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States, support one year of master’s degree study at Churchill College in the University of Cambridge. The awards are given to American students in the fields of mathematics, science, and engineering.

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