Graduate school of arts and sciences

Graduate School dean honored for "impeccable scholarship"

Dean Jon Butler returned to his alma mater in December to deliver the commencement address at the University of Minnesota's College of Liberal Arts. Butler, who earned both his BA and his PhD in history from the University of Minnesota, received an honorary doctor of science degree for his "impeccable, deeply researched scholarship," his efforts to "increase public understanding of American history and religion," and his "incandescent ability to reimagine the past."

"This great university gave me everything I could ever have wanted as a student, a person, ultimately as someone from a Minnesota farm town who simply wanted to be a historian," Butler said in his speech. Dean Butler joined the Yale faculty in 1985. Author of numerous prizewinning books on the role of religion in American history, he is the Howard R. Lamar Professor of American Studies, History, and Religious Studies. He served as chair of the American Studies program and the Department of History and director of the Division of the Humanities before becoming dean of the Graduate School in 2004.

Renewing the PhD: the 2-4 project

During the second, third, and fourth years of their doctoral programs, most PhD students move from formal class work to independent scholarship. Science students complete lab rotations and exams, choose an adviser and a lab, write a dissertation prospectus, and begin independent research and writing. Humanities and social science students finish their last courses, take exams, write a prospectus, and begin teaching. When all goes smoothly, students advance to candidacy by the end of the third year and are deeply engaged in dissertation research in the fourth year.  But sometimes all doesn't go smoothly, and progress gets stalled.

Last semester, all academic departments in the Graduate School were asked to evaluate the second, third, and fourth years of their doctoral programs. "We want our PhD programs to show greater flexibility, imagination, and responsiveness to shifting intellectual needs, student aspirations, and broadening professional opportunities and demands," the dean wrote, outlining the project. Students should be able to advance "to candidacy efficiently and with confidence, so that the researching and writing of the dissertation is neither unduly delayed nor fraught with anxiety."

Departments were given questions to consider on such topics as course requirements, exams, and the ways in which departments mentor, evaluate, and communicate expectations to their students. Reports and recommendations for change were submitted to the dean in December.



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