New MBA curriculum launched to very positive reviews
Yale SOM's innovative new curriculum was launched in the fall. This was
a milestone for the school as well as the 208 students who embarked on the new
interdisciplinary core curriculum, and it received wide media coverage. The
changes garnered attention from Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, and Business Week Online. The Business
Week article features a Q&A
with Dean Joel Podolny titled "Breaking Down Silos at Yale," in which the dean
explained that the curriculum needed to change because the needs of managers in
the workplace have changed: "Effective leaders need to be able to own and frame
problems and take real responsibility for solving those problems, and then work
across organizational boundaries in order to solve those problems. The
curriculum in the past was broken down by these disciplinary silos and because
of that, got in the way of effective management and leadership." For more
information about the new curriculum, visit:
Mentoring students for future success
A new mentorship program, part of the revamped SOM curriculum, aims to
enable students to connect their professional education with their goals and
values. The initiative began at orientation when each first-year student was
grouped with 13 of his or her peers, a faculty member, a staff member, and a
second-year student mentor. The program's objective is to increase student
success in three areas: academic performance, interactions with others in the
community, and meeting career goals. Heidi Brooks, a lecturer in organizational
behavior at SOM who has been instrumental in developing the initiative, says, "The
mentoring program is really about students being able to seek, understand,
connect to, and articulate their own meaningful aspirations. We are here to
inspire real inquiry and reflection about how each of our students can be
successful at SOM and beyond." More about the mentorship program is online at
New book takes historical view of Wall Street
William N. Goetzmann, the Edwin J. Beinecke Professor of Finance and
Management Studies and director of the International Center for Finance, and
Roger G. Ibbotson, professor in the practice of finance, have published The
Equity Risk Premium: Essays and Explorations (Oxford University Press). The book examines the historical development
of the equity risk premium (the built-in reward for making riskier investments)
with a collection of the authors' research on the subject, which spans 30
years. Among the topics covered are vital issues to investors, such as whether
historical data should be used in equity investing. The book also updates the
authors' study of the New York Stock Exchange's historical performance from
1792 to the present. A section of indices contains individual stock and
dividend data from more than a decade of research at SOM.