Last Look

Fun all over

A creature emerges from Whitney Avenue.

Bob Handelman

Bob Handelman

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“The artist calls it an alligator—I really have no idea,” says Tara von Schmidt, with a laugh. She is the special projects manager for New Haven’s Town Green District, and this particular project can make just about anyone laugh. The “alligator,” designed by artist Tom Bob, appears to be slithering onto the sidewalk on Whitney Avenue, right where Whitney crosses the Farmington Canal Trail. But have no fear: it’s an ordinary utilitarian pipe, in disguise.

The alligator was commissioned by the New Haven group as part of a public-space improvement effort, one of a series downtown. As fans of Bob’s prior street artwork, the Town Green District invited Bob to use the pipe as his canvas. He showed the group two proposals for decorating the pipe: a yellow salamander with spots and the alligator. The alligator won out.

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