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Aaron Zelinsky ’06, ’10JD

  • Aaron Zelinsky ’06, ’10JD

Being an expert on presidential debates is occasional work at best—better than census taker but not as frequent as America’s Cup commentator. But Aaron Zelinsky ’06, ’10JD, has carved a nice niche for himself with the Presidential Debate Blog, which offers news and commentary about this year’s presidential and vice presidential debates. A Yale law student who spent four years on the Yale debate team as an undergrad, Zelinsky has, according to the bio on his blog, “watched every debate of the 2007–2008 primary season and read or watched every past presidential debate.” So you don’t have to.

Quote-hungry reporters have started turning to Zelinsky for his thoughts. On the eve of the Biden-Palin vice presidential debate, he predicted that Palin “will bring the kitchen sink—a lot of very well-rehearsed zingers that she has to make sound like they’re not,” and advised Biden to “act himself and focus the firepower on McCain.” And before the first presidential debate, his advice to the electorate was candid, although not in the best interest of the punditocracy: “After the debate is over, turn off your television and make up your own decision,” he said in the San Francisco Chronicle. “Don’t wait to be spun by the post-debate commentary. I hope to put guys like me out of business.”

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