This creature looks particularly pensive. Can anyone identify the building at Yale where s/he appears? We’ll update this post with the answer... Read on
What campus building is guarded by this fierce terra cotta lion and several of his friends? We’ll update this post with the answer tomorrow.... Read on
This elaborate stone carving sits above the entrance to what Yale building? We’ll update this post with the answer tomorrow. Update: this is the... Read on
The architects and stone carvers who worked on Yale’s interwar Gothic buildings had a puckish sense of humor. Where on campus can you find this... Read on
Who is this guy holding a pig? And where on campus can he be found? We’ll update this post with the answer tomorrow. UPDATE: This one is found... Read on
It all looks familiar: the red brick, the slate roof, the decorative stonework. But where exactly did we take this photo? We’ll update this post... Read on
This stone carving predates the ascendancy of a bluegrass-playing Yale president last year. Anybody know where on campus you can find it? We’ll... Read on
The caduceus is supposed to be a symbol not of medicine but of commerce, derived from its association with the Greek god Hermes. But over the years... Read on
Another Monday, another carving from a building somewhere on the Yale campus. Can you tell us where it can be found? We’ll update this post with... Read on
The stone carvings throughout the Yale campus depict all kinds of scenes from history, not all of them happy ones. This one reminds us how things in... Read on
Yalies of all generations have passed by this spot, but it has changed a lot in the past few years. Can you tell us where it is? We’ll update... Read on
This curvaceous glass lobby will be familiar to some current campus denizens, but it might be harder for those who haven’t been to campus in the... Read on
It’s not exactly Collegiate Gothic, but this campus building by a well-known architect does suggest the medieval in the structural expression of... Read on