featuresFreedom of mindThrough the Yale Prison Education Initiative, faculty are bringing Yale courses to people behind bars. featuresFifty years on . . . and the music never stopped.They met on Old Campus in the opening days of freshman year. They've been a band ever since. featuresHow to shore up a universityBenno Schmidt Jr. '63, '66LLB, who died in July, faced some difficult decisions as president of Yale. Letters to the EditorLetters: September/October 2023Readers write back about Marilynn Malerba '15DNP, the origins of Doonesbury, and more. Where They Are NowJust read the entrailsLeigh Bardugo '97 on why her new fantasy novel is set in Sterling Library. Scene on CampusLighting the wayAn art installation digs into the complexities of quantum computing. President's LetterMilestones in nursing |