
In Remembrance: Richard F. McCoart Jr. ’48 Died on April 18 2014

Richard Felix McCoart Jr. passed away on Good Friday (April 18, 2014), following complications from a fall suffered in his kitchen on April 7.  He had just celebrated his 86th birthday.

Dr. McCoart was the son of a surgeon. He prepared for Yale at Classical High School in Providence, Rhode Island, and joined one of Yale's accelerated wartime classes. After military service at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, he earned his doctorate in mathematics at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.  He began his teaching career at Georgetown, then moved to Baltimore, Maryland, in 1966 to teach undergraduates at Loyola College (now Loyola University). He chaired the mathematics and sciences department and was a popular teacher for many years. He was well into his 70s when he retired.

In retirement Dr. McCoart loved publishing proofs in math journals, tutoring a great-niece in German over the phone, and reading all of Agatha Christie auf Deutsch. He leaves a personal library of over 7,000 books. He was a kindly, sincere man with a whimsical sense of humor. As a teacher he affected the lives of countless undergraduates and colleagues in ways they will treasure.

—Submitted for the family.

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