School of art

School Notes: School of Art
November/December 2006

Kymberly Pinder |

"Making Do": process and product

The first exhibition at the School of Art since the arrival of dean Robert Storr, "Making Do," offered visitors the opportunity not only to view artists' finished products, but also to observe the artists at work at the height of their creative process. The first part of "Making Do" took place October 10-17, during which time artists Mark Borthwick, Karyn Olivier, Luis Gispert ’01MFA, and Geoff McFedridge set up studios in Green Hall and created their art while onlookers watched. From October 27 to November 8 the art they produced was on view in the same space in which they had worked.

The participating artists were required to create their art using only the materials that they chose beforehand, in effect "making do" with what was available. What each artist produces in this exhibition, said Dean Storr, "can be an art of 'muchness' or an 'ultra povera' art of extreme spareness; it can be lasting or totally ephemeral. In essence, though, it consists of anything the artist chooses to do while making do with a given material of his or her choice."

Fall art exhibitions

Visitors to the school's Admissions Open House on November 16 will have a chance to view the MFA First-Year Students Show, which includes works by all 63 students who have just begun the two-year MFA program. The exhibition remains on view until November 30. Several hundred prospective students are expected to attend the open house. The school receives about 1,100 applications for admission each year, for approximately 60 places.

The final exhibition of the fall semester, on view through December, is the Undergraduate Comprehensive Show, which comprises works by all undergraduate art students, about 500 individual pieces.



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