In their own words

Mark Ostow

Mark Ostow

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Robert Reed
New Haven, Connecticut
Professor, School of Art

Why do you take part in commencement ceremonies?

It’s really a celebration for the students. That’s what it’s all about. Their parents and families, and all the people that have supported them, they come as part of the celebration. I think that’s very important.

And I think the pomp and circumstance that surround such traditions are really important to keep. I think mankind needs that time when one can be a little smaller than one thinks one is. You can feel all of the vibes from the graduates who are really there and their parents, and so it’s also about that, too. But the pomp and circumstance is a tradition that we need to hold onto. It touches our humanity. It makes us feel something that is a little bigger than us, and it’s also a shared experience with colleagues and friends and people who are really important to thank. It’s important that we pay homage to all of those people. And it’s really quite something, just visually.


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