featuresHow imagination beginsEssays by two children's book writers, short reviews of Yalies' books, and more. featuresQuarantinisCocktail hours, talkfests, and trivia nights as the alumni network goes virtual. featuresService to others. On borrowed time.An ALS patient dedicates himself to improving the lives of future ALS patients. featuresThe demagogueJoseph McCarthy made a name for himself by accusing innocent people of treason. How did Yalies respond? Letters to the EditorLetters: September/October 2020Readers talk back about racism and more. Where They Are NowDrama, with computersMacArthur winner Annie Dorsen '96, '00MFA, brings artificial intelligence to the theater. President's LetterBuilding community through serviceNew HavenSaying goodbye to Margaret HollowayA drama school alum who became known as the "Shakespeare Lady." Web ExtraWho's who on our coverA guide to the 21 children's book characters on our cover and opening illustration. |